Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Social Awareness Contradiction - Response

1) How do you feel about the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty? Does it make you feel better about yourself or do you see it as just another marketing grab?

As a guy, i believe the Dove campaign is a great campaign that would defintely appeal and support women. I can see it helping women nowadays, it can really help them feel better. Some women always seem to feel bad about themselves when really its just themselves not believing on what life has to support them. The Dove campaign is doing a really good job taking control and believing there is a solution to helping all the women that feel bad about their personal appearances out. Dove campaign helps people realize that there is always a way to help people feel good about not only themselves, but the way they feel outside, their personal looks. They try to promote and convince people to not change their looks, but to do something positive that will benefit themselves. I think that the Dove campaign should continue to do it's thing, to overall help boosten up many women's self-esteem's, as well to help increase the pride all women have.

2) How do you feel about the Axe Effect Campaign? Does it make you laugh hysterically or roll your eyes in disgust? Explain.

What do I feel about Axe Effect Campaigns? ... hmmm, I feel really bad about it. To tell the truth, it's the most awful fragrance i would ever use. It not only smells bad, it demolishes people's minds. Many girls nowadays tend to get disgusted whenever a GUY sprays on axe. Now that makes me laugh! Axe's fragrance cannot smell good at all, it does not and surely will not help a man smell good. Overall, I think it just makes whoever uses it smell even worse.. It has the most strongest smell out of all the fragrances, and can possibly make someone faint. I don't understand why this commercial would lead men into believing women would become attracted to it, when really they do not even know. Men, think it smells good, but they don't know how bad or good it smells to others. Really, it just makes me not only laugh, but yes! roll my eyes in disgust. I can never use Axe again..

3) Do you think a "parent" company has some ethical responsibilty to ensure that all of its different sectors uphold the same sort of beliefs and values? Why or why not?

Yes, i do believe a parent company has some ethical responsibilty mainly for ensuring that all of their different sources uphold the same sort of beliefs and values. A parent company should help guide a child or their child with a positive attitude because what children see is what they'll copy. Kids, always and usually get influenced by the shows, and commercials they watch on television mainly because commercial campaigns always try to make their commercials interesting to intrigue the audience, which would definitely lead them into copying. Parents, need to take an eye and look carefully on what their children's are watching so they can make a stop and convince them to not believing into stupid stuff, cause usually commercials that are produced are not true. Which will overall make children do the wrong things and make bad decisions.