Sunday, December 6, 2009

"Ad's from the Past" - Response

It has all been stated. Ad's that had been produced from the past, in my opinion are surely weird. First off, one of the ad's exposed had explained clearly.. eat continously and buy tape worms to banish the fat gained. I think that that's just pretty shocking, I mean, why can't you just eat healthy and not have to buy any drug or fat banishing products. Thats just insane, I think that ad is a joke for sure.

The next ad had shown a man inhaling a "tipalet," and at the same time blowing the smoke in a womans face. I think that that was trying to say how tipalet's are great smelling, and that they addict a woman into liking it. I believe that's just wrong, i mean okay.. i think they may have made better smoking products back then, but its just advertising the product wrongly. Who cares if it smells great, there can be huge side effects. If you were to relate a "tipalet" and a "cigarette" it would'nt really make a difference at all other than the smell of both. Everyone know's cigarettes these days are bad smelling, and people around try to avoid the smell. This just increases health hazards. People may obtain cancer or some sickness from these things. Tipalets may be decent smelling, but at the same time it can distract you from focusing on your health. That also is a fail.

The following ad is the same exact thing. They're trying to advertise the Camel Cigarettes. And they have used a "Doctor" to advertise the product. Its just like these days, people use Celebrities to advertise certain products like clothes, as well any other product. Just because a Doctor is holding the product and is advertising it, it surely doesn't mean anyone else should listen. I mean it really doesn't matter if its good or not. The advertisement states, "The Doctors choice is America's choice," That is just a joke, i mean seriously. Just cause One Doctor decides to smoke something, the whole entire country has to follow. I think that's just pathetic. People need to open there eyes sometimes, and listen to their choice, listen deeply. First off, its bad for your health, i don't even know why a DOCTOR is even advertising that product, that is just a really joke way of advertising something. That advertisement is extremely a funny funny joke.

The final ad had shown a family all happy, with the saying "They're happy because they eat LARD." That is just soo wrong. LARD? i mean come on! that is the non-healthiest fat in the whole world. How on earth can that family be happy. Yet in the picture they are really thin. Where were they going with this? how can people be so useless. . . I guess they weren't thinking smart enough. They didn't realize thoroughly on what they were trying to do.. I don't even know if people even had good minds. This ad is also a joke.

Overall, just by glancing at these ad's you can easily assume that America was just falling off the boat back then. People back then didn't even care about age, look, height, weight.. nothing! whatever age you were, they would probably let you do whatever you'd like. People did not know what they were doing back then, I assume. They were all plain foolish. They just thought everyone was leader and decided to follow them. People back then weren't as "bright" as they were as of right now...